Cruciferous VegetablesCruciferous [krew-SIH-fer-uhs] vegetable family are named for their cross-shaped (crucifer) flower petals. Research of this family of vegetables indicates that they may provide protection against certain cancers. Cruciferous vegetables contain antioxidants (particularly beta carotene and the compound sulforaphane). They are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Cruciferous vegetables also contain indole-3-carbidol (I3C). This element changes the way estrogen is metabolized and may prevent estrogen driven cancers. Cruciferous vegetables also contain a kind of phytochemical known as isothiocyanates, which stimulate our bodies to break down potential carcinogens (cancer causing agents). BUT: Raw cruciferous vegetables contain thyroid inhibitors known as goitrogens. Goitrogens like circumstances that cause goiter, cause difficulty for the thyroid in making its hormone. Isothiocyanates appear to reduce thyroid function by blocking thyroid peroxidase, and also by disrupting messages that are sent across the membranes of thyroid cells. People who have hypothyroid function should consider limiting and steaming cruciferous vegetables. LIST OF CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES
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