VitaminsSynthetic VS NaturalMany people, trying to get healthy, are taking vitamins without knowing what will help and what will hurt. They also don't realize that while the body uses organic vitamins to help support the body, they treat synthetic or inorganic vitamins as a poison or toxin. Another thing they assume is that if one thing helped their friend it will surely react the same on them. Another mistake is that you can't overdose on vitamins. I hope this article will help you avoid these misconceptions. An organic and natural source is imperative! The so called learned say that all vitamins and minerals are the same no matter the source. I totally disagree. Let me give you an example. The learned say that ferric acid will help those who are lacking iron. Ferric acid is made by pouring an acid onto a hunk of iron, when it rusts they scratch it off and that is what an iron prescription consists of. This type of iron often causes black stool and constipation. The more you take the more constipated you get. Natural practitioners, however, prefer organic iron (iron from a living source) An example of natural iron is that found in raisins and prunes. Ingesting them will not blacken the stool and will not cause constipation. As a matter of fact, if taken alot, organic iron will cause loose stool to diarrhea. So make sure that your source of vitamins or minerals is organic. If it has a chemical name, assume that it is not natural. Below is a common list of synthetic sources of vitamins and natural sources.
These are a few examples of the vitamins. The basic rule of thumb is if you can pronounce it and it is has lived, it is natural. If it sounds like a chemical or something that you would clean your toilet with, it is not natural. The second thing to remember is that we are all unique. What has helped one person may not do the same for you. For instance if a man is dehydrated, water will cure him. However, if he is drowning, water will not do him a bit of good. The last myth is that you can overdose on vitamins. The RDA (recommended Daily Allowance) is the minimum amount of a vitamin or mineral needed to keep from dying from a deficiency disease. For instance, if you take 100% RDA of Vitamin C, you will not develop a fatal case of scurvy but it is not the OBA (Optimum Beneficial Allowance) which the level needed for the body to function at peak capacity. I have seen great benefits from mega-dosing vitamins but it should be guided by someone who is acquainted with their functions, characteristics and absorption. For instance, mega-dosing Vitamin C for more than 3 or 4 days can drain B vitamins and calcium out of the body. It also works for the body's immune system, therefore, the body does not have to build antibodies. Ingesting certain things with vitamins or minerals will bind them so the body can not use them and they are flushed out. For example, Iron should never be taken with milk, it will disrupt the assimilation of the iron. There are also some vitamins and minerals that need companion vitamins and minerals for their absorption. For example, if you take calcium without vitamin D and magnesium, you will absorb very little of the calcium and may develop kidney stones and heel spurs because of it. Also since they are isolated, the natural safeguards are not there. For example, potassium. If you take too much of the vitamin potassium your heart will flutter and can stop. However, you can take the same amount by eating that many bananas or baked potatoes and you can never overdose. I strongly suggest that if you want to mega dose, you ask a competent health professional to help guide you. In general when taking vitamins, may I suggest that you either find someone you know you can trust to guide you, or preferably research extensively. Because not only can you waste time and money, you might actually do yourself harm. The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |