Feeling SSSSSTTTTRRRRREEESSSSSED?STRESSED OUT!!!Once a friend of mine sent me a picture of a statue of a woman with her hands cupping her head, over the outside of the statue, every 1/2 inch were pins sticking out... She wrote to me, "Ever feel like this?" I was a single mother of a son who thought he was the son of either evil Kenivil or Tilla- the Hun and a daughter. Of course I felt like that. Actually, in the middle of my divorce I thought I was losing it. I mean for real. Once I pulled into the red light in our town, and I could not remember which direction a neighboring town was, I had to pull over and sit for a good 15 min before I got it back. That scared me. I also heard someone call my name a few times when there was no one there. I was beginning to have visions of me in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket. As soon as the divorce was over and my kids and I got settled in, and my wounds from my marriage/divorce started to heal, all those symptoms left. However, I was experiencing symptoms of OCD and agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house). I controlled them, but they stayed with me, until, I took herbs to nourish my nervous system. Now I am totally symptom free 99.99% of the time. Once in a great while I get a panic attack, maybe 1 time every 5 years and it is really mild. I once went to a lecture when the world renowned speaker said that, "The cause of all disease is STRESS" I don't necessarily agree with that, but it does play havoc on the body. He also said, we human need some stress and compared us to a violin. No stress on the strings and you can not make music, too much stress and it snaps. Stress does motivate and excite, but most of us do not lack stress in our lives, so I will not even cover that topic. If you do have too little, call me up, I will give you some of mine. :o) Health Conditions Caused or Aggravated by Stress
Understanding the Myelin Sheathing on the Nervous System I have a OCD Beginner lecture online on the last Wednesday of the month at 8:00 PM EST. They are free and help understand more fully why the herbs are in the protocol and more about OCD. If you are interested or have any personal questions feel free to contact me at MarysHerbs@aol. Lets first define the structure and function of the Nervous system. To best understand this you can compare the nerve as a copper wire.
Nutrients which help support and soothe the Nervous System
Things that are hard on the Nervous system
Top Ten ways to relieve stress in your life 10. Eat Properly - A good diet will help your body handle stress better. 9. Cut out the bad stuff - Junk food, coffee, tea, soda and caffeine 8. Get Plenty of rest. 7. Take time for yourself, to unwind and regroup. 6. Exercise - helps release endorphins and drain out excess adrenaline. 5. Take supplements and nutrients the support the nervous system 4. Balance you health. One part of the body effects the whole body. 3. Get close to God. Studies have proven that people who feel they have a close relationship to God are over all healthier. 2. Use your sense of Humor - Laughing releases endorphins and mood elevating chemicals in the brain. It relaxes some muscles also. 1. Learn and practice saying no, if it is putting stress in your life. If you are like me a chronic volunteer. No excuse is necessary. Just say, I would love to, but I can't. And smile. Say it like you would say, please pass the salt. As a matter of fact. (there is a program called SETTING LIMITS THE SOFTPOWER WAY by Maria Arapakis) Other Things to Remember Emotions can really effect your health is so many different ways. An emotion is an type entity in of itself. For instance. When someone is grieving, they sigh. When they are really afraid they may wet their pants. When someone you love hurts you, you actually feel a physical heaviness in the chest. There are a few ways of working with these emotions such as: Bach Flowers, Acupressure, Aromatherapy. I also suggest that everyone reads FEELINGS BURIED ALIVE NEVER DIE by Karol Truman Kuhn I know I really about lost it when I was working full time, going through major health problems, going through a divorce and raising 2 kids on my own, plus going to school full time, but it is nothing compared to a book I once read. I can not remember the exact name, but it was about a woman who went into a comma for a few weeks, from the stress in her life. I believe the book was called 'WAKE ME UP WHEN IT IS OVER" ![]() The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |