APPENDIXSYSTEM: Intestinal and Lymphatic NUMBER: One SHAPE: Worm shaped SIZE: Can be 1 to 6 inches but usually 3-5 inches with a circumference of that of a common pencil. It is pinkish gray in color. (see Appendix Title Page) LOCATION: On the right, hanging from the cecum (the beginning of the Large Intestine) (see Appendix Title Page) FUNCTION: The medical profession denies that the appendix serves a purpose and is taught that it is merely something left over from when we were apes. I disagree. It has been studied and many functions are accredited to the appendix including digestion, lubrication for the colon (which helps with the moving of feces) and lymphatic functions. KINESIOLOGY: Straight down from the middle of the right breast approx. 2 inches below the navel. IRIDOLOGY: Right eye only at 6:30 and must be touching autonomic nerve wreath. Also look for toxic level in the intestine which affects the appendix. (see Appendix-2) REFLEXOLOGY: Right foot on edge of heel off center toward the right. (see Appendix-3 ... Coming soon) HELPS TO IMPROVE FUNCTION: Keeping the bowel clean. Fiber (raw fruits and vegetables and popcorn), water and exercise. DETRIMENTAL TO ITS FUNCTION: Bad bacteria. junk food. dry or hard feces can cut off the appendix's blood supply. Parasites. Postponing bowel movements. POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS/HEALTH CONDITIONS: HYPERACTIVITY (OVERACTIVE) Appendicitis - when the appendix is inflamed and swollen often caused by parasites, infection, toxicity or obstruction by a packing of feces. Symptoms can include: Slight fever, pain on the right side, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, foul breath or a coated tongue, constipation and elevated white blood count. HYPOACTIVITY (UNDERACTIVE) None of which I am aware. MAIN MINERALS: Magnesium helps keep the bowels moving. MAIN VITAMINS: Vitamin C
OTHER SUPPLEMENTS REASON FOR USE: None of which I am aware. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Appendicitis is known as a civilized people's disease (probably due to diet) It is the most common abdominal surgical emergency in the western world. If you run and get a stitch in your right sign, that could be an early sign that your appendix is less than healthy. I would clean out the bowel and support the lympathic system to help ward off a full blown attack Disorders of the right fallopian tube and ovary, Crohn's disease, and inflammation of the kidney(pyelonephritis) can all mimic appendicitis. Nonspecific abdominal pain often follows a viral respiratory tract infection in children. I personally have warded off an appendix attack by making my bowels move and taking massive doses of Una De Gato and Echinacea and Ice packs. It was a stupid thing to do and I don't suggest you chance letting your appendix rupture, however if you are experiencing mild appendix pain or it is in an early stage you may want to try it on the way to the hospital.
ADDITIONAL READING: None of which I am aware. . The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |