SYSTEM: Endocrine CATEGORY: Gland NUMBER: Four SHAPE: Kidney Shaped SIZE: Of a Pea LOCATION: Usually behind or imbedded in the thyroid (in the front base of the neck. Rarely, but has been found lower and even in the chest cavity. See Parathyoid Page 1). FUNCTION: This yellowish, brown gland produces and secretes parathormone (hormone) that maintians the balance of calcium and phosphorous metabolism. This is necessary to normalize blood clotting, health of bones, teeth, cell membrane permeability and the health of the nervous system. KINESIOLOGY: Calcium pt. 5 fingers on left above clavicle line( the collar bone). phosphorous pt. 2 fingers on the torso lower, left from between the hip and pelvic bone. IRIDOLOGY: Right
eye at REFLEXOLOGY: At the base of both big toes. HELPS TO IMPROVE FUNCTION: Not enough information given DETRIMENTAL TO IT’S HEALTH: Intense negative emotions such as fear, worry and aggravation inhibits the digestive system assimilation of calcium. The medical profession believes that too much Vitamin D overloads the memory of the parathyroid and can cause tumors to develop on them. (I disagree ) POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS/HEALTH CONDITIONS: HYPERACTIVITY (OVERACTIVE) USUALLY CAUSED BY A TUMOR ON THE PARATHYROID The Parathyroid hormore (PTH) stimulates osteoclast (which encourages the breaking down of bone tissue). When in hyperstate, the calcium drawn from the bones can cause spontaneous fractures and bone deformities. One can even develop Osteitis Faibroasa Cystica (which calcium deficient bones become porous and develop in the cavity of the pores abnormal cells and inflammation). The excess calcium and phosphorus in the blood stream can cause problems with the circulatory system and cause abnormal deposits throughout the body-such as kidney stones.
HYPOACTIVITY (UNDERACTIVE) USUALLY CAUSED BY INJURY Formation of kidney stones. Calcium leached from the bone. Increased excitability of the nervous system, restlessness, worry, fear, sleeplessness, confusion, and depression, severe cramps, twitching and spasm Tetany - causes sporatic muscle spasms and pain, especially in the extremities MAIN MINERALS: Large doses of calcium may help in hypo state (doesn't necessarily improve the health of the parathyroid, but helps alleviate symptoms of hypoactivity). MAIN VITAMINS: Vitamin D Does not necessarily improve health of parathyroid but helps alleviate symptoms of hypoactivity.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: These suggestions are just of my deduction. I could find no concrete information on how to treat naturally. The parathyroid stimulates Osteoclasts which break down bone tissue. The thyroid produces calcitonin which inhibits the osteoclasts. I, therefore, would nutritionally support the thyroid also. Certain level of parathyroid activity is necessary for the proper function
of gastric glands. Improper level of calcium and phosphorus strongly indicates a parathyroid problem. Calcium blood level should be 9-11 milligrams per 100 cc Phosphorus blood level should be 3-4.5 milligrams per 100 cc Sun on the skin converts cholecalciferol
and dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D), which is found
in foods and stored in the skin, into vitamin D. QUESTIONS TO ASK If parathyroid problems are suspected, I personally would get a blood test.
ADDITIONAL The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. ***